O Batiste and Son Hardware Trinidad

UPDATE: Matt Parrott on when he figured information technology out:

I offset realized that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer wasn't who he pretends to be on the internet dorsum in early 2015, but our attending quickly shifted to the ascension of Donald Trump.

To borrow a phrase from a friend which is apt hither, Fiddling Andre is "a principal of angles":

The Goyim Know?

What do the Jews know?

My recollection is that Andrew Anglin get-go manifested in our sphere of the internet as TotalFascism.com in late 2012. It wasn't until 2013 though that I heard about that website. He launched Daily Stormer in July 2013 and back in its earliest days the Stormer was defined past its crudity and coarse language and its celebration of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Far from being Alt-Correct, the website seemed to hark back to an exaggerated form of WN ane.0. It was almost similar a extravaganza.

In whatsoever case, I paid little attention to Andrew Anglin and Daily Stormer for the offset 2 years of its being considering I was focused on Southern Nationalism at the time. I was never interested in whatever of that stuff. At the time, I was focused on enjoying the relationships that I was edifice here in the Southward, getting married and having a son and maintaining this website wasn't my priority at the time. From a altitude, I watched the turmoil that the rise of the Stormer was causing within the Alt-Right or White Nationalist movement, which I gently mocked in Beefs 1, Beefs two, Beefs iii, Beefs four, Beefs 5 and Beefs 6. The business organization was that the Daily Stormer was bad optics and was destroying the Alt-Right brand.

In early 2015, Marcus Cicero asked me to set him upwardly an business relationship here on Occidental Dissent. He was leaving the Daily Stormer. I began to talk at length with Marcus who had become disillusioned with Andrew Anglin after writing for his website. The source of his disillusionment was his realization that Andrew Anglin is a fraud. Supposedly, Andrew had go a hardcore White Nationalist or National Socialist or something since leaving the Philippines, but in 2015 he was dorsum over there doing drugs and sleeping with underage non-White women and was supporting himself with donations from his White Nationalist website. He dismissed Marcus's concerns that Weev was a Jew because he didn't care.

He later on did the same thing with Christopher Cantwell:

In the early days of Daily Stormer, we all learned nigh Andre Anglin:

Everyone who joins the Alt-Right has a past.

Jim Object has a past every bit a lolbertarian An Cap. Greg Johnson has a past equally an Objectivist. TRS has a by in right-lolbertarianism. Mike Enoch has a past equally a lolbertarian with a Jewish wife in New York City. Christopher Cantwell has a past as a lolbertarian shock jock.

Andrew Anglin'due south past is Andre Anglin who wanted the White race to exist bred out of existence, who believed that microchips were being implanted in our brains, who rejected Western civilization to go alive in the jungle in the Philippines to go closer to nature, who hated consumerism and applied science and who was like a sort of liberal who wanted to bring together a tribe of Noble Savages and so that he could live in the Rock Historic period. For 6 years on the cyberspace, Andre Anglin made tens of thousands of posts running his websites OutlawJournalism.com and RealitySituation.com. He was into David Icke and Alex Jones and was a major figure in the Truth Movement. Anglin's heed was overwhelmed by conspiracies.

Some people are just unable to leave their past behind though and that has become increasingly obvious with Andrew Anglin. He said on that podcast in 2012 with Lewka Peel that he was only attracted to black women and that it was bullshit that White people should simply brood together. In fact, Andrew Anglin hasn't changed at all on this subject since he was Andre Anglin:


Sentinel Hither.

According to Andrew Anglin'south black cousin Trey, Drew was always like this growing up in suburban Columbus. He was never a racist and only pretends to be one on the net. He exclusively dated black women and Asian women. Every bit far as nosotros know, this deep seated problem that Andrew Anglin has with White women goes back to high school when he was humiliated at a party when his girlfriend kissed another guy. This wouldn't be an consequence if Drew who later became Andre who later became Andrew wasn't in a position to poison the Alt-Right and White Nationalism with his "one-time behavior."

Suppose that Mike Enoch told y'all he had go a White Nationalist and had divorced his Jewish married woman. And so you find out that Mike was lying to you about his conversion and never really held these behavior and was in fact still with his Jewish wife. Such is what has happened with Andrew Anglin since he "changed" in 2013. According to Andrew, the Daily Stormer is a operation fine art projection. It is all satire. The goal is to manipulate the SPLC and the media into cartoon attending to the cartoon grapheme that is Andrew Anglin who says all kinds of extreme things. What is being satired though?

Daily Stormer has always launched these Gay Ops. The Neo-Nazi invasion of Whitefish, MT was a Gay Op which interestingly Andrew Anglin didn't want to be present at in person. He wanted Cantwell to have the laurels. It is telling that he couldn't exist persuaded to get to Charlottesville either. In fact, he has no real world relationships with anyone in the Alt-Correct or White Nationalist move.

Here's a curt list of some people who I take met IRL:

  • Greg Johnson
  • Richard Spencer
  • David Duke
  • Dr. Michael Loma
  • Kevin MacDonald
  • Don Black
  • Christopher Cantwell
  • Jason Kessler
  • Matt Parrott
  • Matt Heimbach
  • Mike Enoch
  • Jayoh

It is much easier to get a sense of a person in the real world than on the net. Some of these people on this listing despise each other similar Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer. It is striking how everyone seems to know everyone else, but no one has a personal human relationship with Weev or Andrew Anglin. TRS doesn't believe that Jim Object is a "fed plant" because they have known him in the real world for years. Does anyone know Andrew Anglin or Andrew Escher Auernheimer in the real world?

Alex Pilosov has a personal relationship with Weev.

The Daily Stormer was registered to his address in New York Metropolis. I'yard sure there is a proficient caption though why Weev has such close personal relationships with all these Jewish leftists in New York Urban center. To my knowledge, no one else has those associations and certainly non Jim Object.

Andrew Anglin volition tell you lot he is somehow exiled from the The states. What crime has Andrew Anglin been charged with though? I saw David Knuckles last weekend. He left the United States afterwards high school and was filming documentaries in the Philippines for years before he "converted" to fascism. He briefly returned to the U.s. in 2013, then he left to tour eastern Europe, then he went back to Southeast Asia. He was living there long before he was sued over the "Neo-Nazi invasion" of Whitefish, MT. He raised $150,000 from his fans to fight that lawsuit and didn't even bother to mount a defense. In dissimilarity, Mike Enoch vigorously fought the Sines v. Kessler lawsuit until he was dismissed from the case.

I can't put my finger on it, simply something doesn't add upwards with Drew aka Andre aka Andrew Anglin. It is preposterous that whatsoever existent "White Nationalist" or "National Socialist" would human action like Andre. For the tape, I don't believe he is a "fed." I just don't think he was e'er real.

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